3 Simple Jewellery Storage Tips To Keep Your Collection Organized

If you love accessorising, chances are you have a covetable jewellery collection that is one of your most prized possessions. But a lack of proper storage can end up tangling your gold chains and causing scratches on your beautifully designed gold bangles from Singapore. Moreover, pieces that are out of sight can go out of mind rather quickly. At some point, you might even forget that you owned that pair of beautiful sterling silver earrings.

gold bangles singapore designs

Fortunately, there is an easy way to prevent this. All you need to do is use a smart jewellery storage system. Jewellery can also be quite delicate so it is quite important to store your pieces properly to avoid damage.

Here are some simple jewellery storage tips:

  • Start by editing your collection.

Before you start organizing and storing your jewellery, you might want to take some time out to edit your collection. You should decide which pieces you love and which ones you might want to give away or toss. Throw away broken and tarnished pieces that will only take up valuable space. Mismatched earrings can be repurposed. You can also donate your unused pieces at a thrift store.

  • Keep your everyday staples in an accessible place.

When you have a few pieces that you wear every day, it becomes a habit to simply toss them on your nightstand. This, however, is what leads to tangled necklaces and lost earrings. You should use a jewellery box or small tray on your nightstand to make sure that your baubles are safe until you put them on.

  • Invest in a jewellery box and drawer organizers.

Jewellery boxes are a great way to store your finest pieces safely and keep them organized. They also make it easy for you to find them whenever you want to accessorise. They will keep your jewellery dust-free. For fashion jewellery, you can use drawer organizers. Look for organizers with multiple compartments for your necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.

With these tips in hand, you can now make sure that your favourite interchangeable gold bangles and other pieces remain safe and organized.


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